Crayola has been inspiring artistic creativity in children since its first crayons appeared in 1903. The tools that children have at their disposal to explore and express their emotions through art have evolved over the last 100+ years. Realizing the rapid adoption of mobile technology by children – starting even as early as the toddler stage – Crayola is continuously developing products on the cutting edge of art and technology. Funny Faces is an example of Crayola’s leading innovation in the space.
The media landscape to reach children is fragmented as kids continue their slow migration from broadcast to mobile platforms for their content consumption needs. Delivering powerful branding messages to kids via TV in order to generate sales performance is proving to be less effective, yet more costly every year. Funny Faces is a product with limited marketing resources and as a result, outside of holiday seasons, sales are modest. By working with Kidoz, Crayola wanted to increase awareness and sales opportunities during off peak purchasing seasons. KPI’s for the campaign were high video completion percentage, drive audience to engage further on the the Funny Faces landing pages, and to increase purchases.
Kidoz created a custom Funny Faces video designed to engage kids with pre-roll, rewarded and proprietary discovery panel units that ran across contextually relevant themed apps on the Kidoz network such as art, painting, drawing and coloring. The results were remarkable:
Combined CTR of 11% drove 130,000 visits (59K unique) to the Funny Faces landing page (1:12 time on the page avg.)
Combined video completion rate of 81%
POS lift at retail during the campaign flight
“Kidoz has proven they can drive engaged traffic… and create POS lift.”
Marisa Scurato, Digital Marketing Manager Crayola